Generic LIS200#

Execution environment name: generic_lis200

Function Calls#

  • Read Single Value: read_single_value
  • Read Archive By Date: read_archive_by_date
  • Read Archive By Offset Seconds: read_archive_by_offset_seconds
  • Set Time: set_time

Read Single Value#


Argument Type Required Description
address string yes The LIS-200 address to read
# example issuing an on demand amr task via the API
    "meter_device": "890b61bb-6594-48db-ad90-584d56754455",
    "task_call": "read_single_value",
    "task_kwargs": {
        "address": '2.301',
    "run_offset_seconds": 0,
    "meter_execution_type": "generic_lis200"

Read archive by date#


In LIS200 saved data are stored archives and you need to specify which one you need to read. The archives can have different structures and the important thing to know is the control position of the archive, ie. which data entry in an archive row represents the timestamp that you want to use as reference for the read. Archives are read from the oldest data to new newest data, so start_data represents the oldest data in the database

Reading by date is useful to re-read old data. Maybe a task failed to collect them or there was a network error or device error.

Argument Type Required Description
start_dat datetime yes The date for the oldest data to start reading from.
end_date datetime no The date to stop reading. If not proved all data from the start date will be read up until the latest entry
archive_number int yes The number of the archive you wish to read
control_position int yes The position of the timestamp in the archive
# example issuing an on demand amr task via the API
    "meter_device": "890b61bb-6594-48db-ad90-584d56754455",
    "task_call": "read_archive_by_date",
    "task_kwargs": {
        "start_date": "2020-01-15T06:00:00+0100",
        "end_date": "2020-01-16T06:00:00+0100",
        "archive_number": 3,
        "control_position": 3
    "run_offset_seconds": 0,
    "meter_execution_type": "generic_lis200"

Read archive by offset#


Similar to reading by date but instead you use the current time and read backwards by the offset seconds. For example offset_seconds=900 would read the last 15 min in an archive. Best used with a scheduled AmrTask.

Argument Type Required Description
offset_seconds int yes Number of seconds to read by.
archive_number int yes The number of the archive you wish to read
control_position int yes The position of the timestamp in the archive


When using with a scheduled AmrTask that also is put in an offset schedule you might need to increase the offset to get all requested values.

# example issuing an on demand amr task via the API
    "meter_device": "890b61bb-6594-48db-ad90-584d56754455",
    "task_call": "read_archive_by_offset_seconds",
    "task_kwargs": {
        "offset_seconds": 1000,
        "archive_number": 3,
        "control_position": 3
    "run_offset_seconds": 0,
    "meter_execution_type": "generic_lis200"

Set time#


Will sync the time in the meter with the server. No parameters needed.

Argument Type Required Description
# example issuing an on demand amr task via the API
    "meter_device": "890b61bb-6594-48db-ad90-584d56754455",
    "task_call": "set_time",
    "task_kwargs": {},
    "run_offset_seconds": 0,
    "meter_execution_type": "generic_lis200"